Android 9 Pie Statue Revealed At Google

Android 9 Pie Statue Revealed At Google

Android 9 Pie Statue Revealed At Google
Android 9 Pie was unveiled officially earlier today, though there is a very important factor missing through the announcement: the statue. You are seeing, Google makes a statue to put up display at their Mountain View campus for every unique Android dessert edition. Recently, the statues have been getting quite stale, although Oreo one demonstrated some advancement. The statue for Google Android 9 Pie, even so, marks the go back to dull or boring bugdroids.

Android 9 Pie statue, that was launched at 3: 14pm PT, only includes a slice of pie to his right and the bugdroid waving having a pie to its left. This comes after the same method that the likewise -uninspired Nougat statue made use of: a bugdroid using its hands up next for some of the dessert around the ground. In addition, the pie's interiors do not scream "pie"; I think that it was pomegranate initially.

So what happened towards the legally innovative statues? This Ice Cream Sandwich statue involves mind, as will KitKat's. We are able to only wish that Google android Q's ( which is tough to mention ) will be a little more innovative.

Source: Google+ Android and  Google Developers Tweets

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