11 Most Powerful Solution For Charging Problems On Android

11 Most Powerful Solution For Charging Problems On Android

Solution For Charging Problems
In today's episode, I would like to talk about Android's very simple and ruthless problem and its solution. The problem is the "Charge" of Android smartphones. Most of the people in the world are using the Android devices. Previously "Symbian and Java" phones did not have any charging problems. Maximum 5-8 hours of backup is possible from the current Android phones (Onscreen mode) having an internet connection or not. Most frequently it can be used 1-3 days maximum. Why is this problem? In reply to this, it can be said, the operating system of your Android device operates on certain coding. Besides an Android phone contains some apps whether they are built-in or downloaded. These apps are also made using coding and the problem is also here. There is a constant conflict between Android code and software code. Due to this fact, your smartphones are unable to keep the charge a longer period. There are several analyses going on to deal with the charging problem of Android, but no successful solutions are yet discovered. But some experts have provided several tips to keep the charge a longer period. Today I am going to share some of them.

Solution For Charging Problems On Android

1. Keep all of your apps updated.

2. If any app doesn't generate updates for a long time, then uninstall it. If that app is more important, then you can keep backups of it so that you can install it when needed.

3. The app that is claimed to increases the temperature and decreased the charges of Android phones is your favorite App "Facebook App".

By uninstalling it you will get results instantly. But don't worry, you can meet your Facebook requirement by using any web browser like Chrome, Firefox, etc.

4. Never use the phone when the charger is connected. It causes serious damage to the battery. That is one of the serious reasons for charge decreasing.

5. Uninstall any unused apps.

6. Keep an eye on any app running in the background without your permission.

7. Do not keep the GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi options on without needing it. Because they use up a lot of charges.

8. Stay away from using live wallpaper. The live wallpaper uses 15-20% of the phone charges.

9. Many users do not stop their data connection even if they already have completed their needs. They should not do this.  You should off the data connection after ending your needs. In this way, both internet data and battery charge will be saved.

10. Keep your Android phone's system up to date regularly.

11. Different types of battery saver apps are available on the Google Play store. Keep away from using such apps. They do not save your battery moreover it eats your battery charge.

Following the above tips properly, you can get your battery life 3/4 hours longer than before. These are all my tested methods.

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